A curated list of articles & books that effected my thinking, updated periodically. They tend to live at the intersection of technology, community, & culture. They are in no particular order beyond their chronological headings. Linking something here doesn’t mean I endorse every thought in it, of course.
- His software sang the words of God. Then it went silent. (S.I. Rosenbaum)
- A year of new avenues (Robin Sloan)
- 6 months with GoLang after many years with PHP (Dan Gurgul)
- On sarcasm (Boz)
- How Complex Systems Fail (Richard I. Cook)
- Software Engineer Manager Roles (Octopus Deploy)
- SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Programming Explained in Plain English (Yiğit Kemal Erinç)
- Stop Measuring Community Engagement (Michael Hall)
- Site: Customer Experience Musings (Evan Hamilton)
- Revisiting the public commons (Deb Schultz)
- I Was Wrong About Mastodon (Marcus Hutchins)
- View a SKU (Cory Doctorow)
- My Ideas For Improving Alt Text Features On Social Media (Veronica Lewis)
- Video: The War for the Soul of Open Source (Adam Jacob)
- Hiring Software Engineers? 7 Engineering Leaders Share Their Biggest Lessons (Carmo Braga da Costa)
- How to run a small social network site for your friends (Darius Kazemi)
- The Matrix Holiday Update (2022) (team)
- Why Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata refuses to lay off staff (2013, Colin Campbell)
- The Ed Sheeran Problem, or, How the Record Industry Got What It Asked For (Cory Doctorow)
- Pay It Backward (Matt Ruby)
- Removing the stigma of a CVE (Madison Oliver)
- Book: Inclusive Design Communities (Sameera Kapila)
- Book: You Deserve a Tech Union (Ethan Marcotte)
- Don’t work with psychopaths (Livia Labate)
- An Engineering Manager’s Bill of Rights (and Responsibilities) (Emily Nakashima)
- I’m not fucking about, I’m internalising (Samir Talwar)
- Proof That Positive Work Cultures Are More Productive (Emma Seppälä and Kim Cameron)
- Reimagining how we think about career development (Amy Chantasirivisal)
- The Year in Design (2015) (Jeffrey Zeldman)
- The Coach and the Fixer (Rands)
- PDF: Sludge for Good: Slowing and Imposing Costs on Cyber Attackers (multiple)
- The Tyranny of Structureless (Jo Freeman)
- 7 Fatal Flaws in the Software Engineering Industry (Elso Kant)
- Best Practices for Gender-Inclusive Content Moderation (Alice Hunsberger)
- You Can Only Maintain So Many Close Friendships (Sheon Han)
- From IC to Engineering Leader: 3 Essential Lessons (Elso Kant)
- I don’t want to do front-end anymore
- Content debt (2016, Melody Kramer)
- How to Eliminate Organizational Debt (Aaron Dignan)
- Why are hyperlinks blue? (Elise Blanchard)
- The Big Picture (Mark Rosewater)
- Laziness Does Not Exist (Devon Price)
- I Hid My Disability At Work For 6 Years (Jill D. Griffin)
- Why open source projects should embrace operational transparency (Julia Ferraioli)
- Building For The 99% Developers (Jean Yang)
- Shields Up — Emergency Enhancements to Security Procedures (Krebs Stamos Group)
- Trapped In Silicon Valley’s Hidden Caste System (Sonia Paul)
- Is Our Definition of Burnout All Wrong? (Eve Ettinger)
- The art of the tick tock doc (Lara Hogen)
- Fire me if you have to (Raw Signal Group)
- The Mortifying Ordeal of Pairing All Day (Nat Bennett)
- Introducing the Public Interest Internet (Danny O’Brien)
- Why the Hybrid Workforce Requires the Geriatric Millennial (Erica Dhawan)
- Joe Swanberg is running a secret VHS rental shop from Ravenswood pizzeria (Emma Krupp)
- The Art of Managing Stakeholders Through Product Discovery (Teresa Torres)
- Drunk Post: Things I’ve learned as a Sr Engineer (u/flipstables)
- This one email explains Apple (Matthew Panzarino)
- This is the Awful Voice Inside My Head (on employee intimidation) (Charlie Warzel)
- PAGNIs: Probably Are Gonna Need Its (Simon Willison)
- The End of Agile (Kurt Cagle)
- 8 ways to create psychological safety in the workplace (Greg Barnett)
- Site: What Web Can Do Today?
- “Emotional strip-mining”: Sympathy sockpuppets in online communities (Devon Greyson)
- The Most Common Type of Incompetent Leader (2018, Scott Gregory)
- Peter Thiel’s Origin Story (Max Chafkin)
- File Not Found: Student who grew up with search engines (Monica Chin)
- Iceland’s Trials of a 4-Day Workweek (Villegas & Knowles)
- AMP Has Irreparably Damaged Publishers’ Trust in Google-led Initiatives (Sarah Gooding)
- A vision for a social model of open source (Julia Ferraioli)
- Standards Slip Slowly At First, Then Rapidly (Richard Millington)
- You aren’t your user (Laura Klein)
- Published Assets? We Had a Few (Doug Donohue)
- Mastering the art of workplace well-bring: 5 lessons from Denmark (Laetitia Vitaud)
- How to defend good code (Jason Swett)
- Jeans, Jorts, and Tough Feedback (Lara Hogan)
- PDF: Community Interaction and Conflict on the Web (multiple)
- Case Study: How FeverBee Tripled A Community’s Retention Rates (Richard Millington)
- Fear of getting noticed (Jeffrey Zeldman)
- The unreasonable effectiveness of simple HTML (Terence Eden)
- 3 points you should have paid attention to in the Spotify Engineering Culture videos (Jason Yip)
- Move over Javascript (Klint Finley)
- The good, the bad, and the ugly of making decisions in open source (Juan Pablo Buriticá)
- 5 Secrets to Community Onboarding (Michelle Knight)
- The hottest hire is still the Chief People Officer (Jess Yuen)
- How to create luck (Shawn Wang)
- Why are there so many tech layoffs? (2022, Melissa De Witte)
- Social Quitting (Cory Doctorow)
- We come to bury ChatGPT, not praise it (Dan McQuillan)
- I don’t want to log into your website (Elizabeth Lopatto)
- Disciplined Making (Matthew Cheney)
- The library is a safe place (Will Wheaton)
- It’s Not the Bike Lane’s Fault You’re a Bad Driver (Collin Woodard)
- New Questions on the Impact of Technology (2011, Al Erisman)
- The Cult of the Founders (Henry Farrell)
- Tiktok’s enshittification (Cory Doctorow)
- Belonging isn’t enough (Mandy Brown)
- The maddening saga of how an Alzheimer’s cabal thwarted progress (Sharon Begley)
- Podcast: Fostering Inclusivity for Neurodivergent Community Members (Patrick O’Keefe)
- Companies oversold 5G. It won’t be the last overhyped tech (Shira Ovide)
- Let the Platforms Burn (Cory Doctorow)
- The End of the Honest Internet (Ed Zitron)
- The Last Page of the Internet (Alex Pareene)
- The Coming Enshittification of Public Libraries (Karawynn Long)
- Why Open Source Matters (Stephen O’Grady)
- On Craft (Cat Hicks)
- Shmile (Ava Zeldman)
- Why We Don’t Recommend Ring Cameras (Adrienne So)
- The ABCD Method: Building Rapid Communities in Smaller Groups (Richard Millington)
- The invisible problem (text editing on mobile) (Scott Jenson)
- The Web Is for User Agency (Robin Berjon)
- Let’s Make Sure GitHub Doesn’t Become the Only Option (Edward Loveall)
- Web developers: Remarkably untalented and careless? (Baldur Bjarnason)
- Loved, yet lonely (Kaitlyn Creasy)
- Why I Tend Not To Use Content Negotiation (Carson Gross)
- KPI Trees (Christoph Steinlehner)
- Why I Don’t Dig the Singularity (Sara Amis)
- Dominaria Cartography (2018, Ethan Fleisher)
- Rethinking Engagement Analytics (Rachel Happe)
- Most breaches actually begin in corp (Ariadne Conill)
- The birth & death of search engine optimization (Xe Iaso)
- Software Is Beating The World (Ed Zitron)
- The Importance of Silos (Dave Snowden)
- CUPID — the backstory (Dan North)
- Open Source Licenses: Who Holds The Power? (Jennifer Higgins)
- How Do You Foster Trust? Moderation Is Not Enough (Rachel Happe)
- A Secret Society of Chicago Bakers (Jennifer Billock)
- The reckless, infinite scope of web browsers (Drew DeVault)
- How We’ve Compromised 10 CI/CD Pipelines (multiple)
Mar 2021
- Things your manager might not know (Julia Evans)
- They can’t even fire us right (Jack Crosbie)
- Programming Sucks (Peter Huntwelch, 2014)
- Why project managers get no respect (Scott Berkun)
- On Context: The Cambridge School and Curt’s jacket (Leda Glyptis)
- Institutional Betrayal and Institutional Courage (Jennifer J Freyd, PhD)
- Charm Your Communities (Victoria Tran)
Feb 2021
- [Book] The Art of Leadership: Small Things, Done Well (Michael Lopp)
- How Deflector became a media success (Margaret Sullivan, NYT)
- Reflecting on a year of Alpine Parrot (Alpine Parrot)
- Founding Growth Lead (Amazingly-composed job posting @ Commandot, via Jennifer Kim)
- 8 Interview Questions About Diversity & Inclusion Every Job Seeker Should Be Able to Answer (Kelli Newman Mason, TheMuse)
- How Avocode Improved Dev Process 10x with Shape Up (Josef Kettner)
- How money dictates design decisions (Jonas Downey, Hey.com)
- [Scrum] Why relative estimation beats planning poker (Joel Bancroft-Connors, Applied Frameworks)
- I’m a Short Afternoon Walk And You’re Putting Way Too Much Pressure On Me (Emily Delaney, McSweeney’s)
Jan 2021
- They left Mozilla to make the internet better. Now they’re spreading its gospel for a new generation (Anna Kramer, Protocol)
- Hotwire: HTML Over The Wire (Josh Graham)
- What Tracy Chou learned about online harassment while building an app to solve it (Anna Kramer, Protocol)
- The 5 Commandments of Naming Variables (Khalal Walker)
- We Are Not Special [Engineers vs Engineers] (Killel Wayne)
- Understanding Incidents: Three Analytics Traps (John Allspaw)
- Singletons and their use in WordPress (Carl Alexander)
- Expensify CEO David Barrett: ‘Most CEOs are not bad people, they’re just cowards’ (Benjamin Pimentel, Protocol)
- 21 Signs You or Your Organization May Be the White Moderate Dr. King Warned About (Vu Le, Non Profit AF)
- PHP 8.0: A Perfect Storm (Juliette Reinders Folmer, 24 Days In December)
- Twitter thread: Foundational work in regulating online speech (Alex Stamos)
- Make Boring Plans (Camille Fournier)
- Resilience engineering: Where do I start? (Lorin Hochstein)
- Conditions For Learning [Everyday, vs During Incidents] (Erik Hollnagel, HindSight)
- Meaningful Questions to Ask People Right Now (Marina Khidekel, Thrive Global)
- When Black Women Go From Office Pet to Office Threat (Erika Stallings)
- Error Budgets and the Legacy of Herbert Heinrich (Lorin Hochstein)
- Facebook Is a Doomsday Machine (Adrienne LaFrance, The Atlantic)
- [Shot] Video: Commercial Open Source Business Models (Brendan O’Leary)
- [Chaser] GitLab Removes Its Starter Tier: Pay 5x or lose features (Tim Anderson, The Register)
- OSL 3.0 Explained (Lawrence Rosen)
- A Quick Political History Of White Supremacy (Steven Conn, HuffPost, 2017)
- You’re Using Transients Wrong [In WordPress] (Ryan McCue, 2013)
Jun-Dec 2020
- Book: Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software (Nadia Eghbal)
- Hotwire: HTML Over The Wire (Basecamp)
- Second-guessing the modern web (Tom MacWright)
- 100 Years of Voting Hasn’t Done What We Thought it Would (Gail Collins, NYT)
- Why Black People Don’t Go Camping (Nikki Brueggeman, Medium)
- Why Redis beats Memcached for caching (Itamar Haber, Infoworld)
- A Sneaky Theory of Where Language Came From (Ben James, The Atlantic)
- The culture of hurry: the value of ‘free’ work time (Erin ‘Folletto’ Casali)
- Measuring Engagement & Culture (Rachael Happe, TheCR)
- Communities Change How We Work (Rachael Happe, TheCR)
- So Much Community Data, So Little Insight (Rachael Happe, TheCR)
- How Open Source Communities Work (Stormy Peters)
- Many Games Are Held Together By Duct Tape (Patricia Hernandez, Polygon)
- The Anti-Capitalist Software License (Ramsey Nasser & Everest Pipkin)
- Future of Cygnus Solutions (Michael Tiemann, 1999)
- The Cost of Workaholic Leaders (Suzan Bond)
- Sticking To It (Zeldman, Automattic)
- Building The Woke Web (Olu Niyiawosusi, ALA)
- Implementing Shape Up (John Stokvis)
- An Incomplete Guide to Inclusive Language for Startups and Tech (Courtney Seiter, Buffer)
Jan-May 2020
- Responsive Design Turns Ten (Ethan Marcotte)
- Open Source Beyond The Market (DHH, SvN)
- Is Your Work Truly Essential? (James Kaelan, Medium)
- On Mid-Career and Thinking About Your Path Forward (Ryn Daniels)
- Laziness Does Not Exist (Devon Price)
- Feedback Ladders (Leslie Cohn-Wein, Kristen Lavavej & swyx, Netlify)
- The Old Internet Died And We Watched And Did Nothing (Katie Notopoulos, BuzzFeed)
- Why Developers Hate PHP (Mehdi Zed)
- Book: It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work (DHH & Jason Fried)
I didn’t regularly update this list for a couple years, so this is a retroactive list.
- Book: Crucial Conversations
- Book: After the Ecstasy, the Laundry (Jack Kornfield)
- Book: Generation Decks: The Unofficial History of Magic the Gathering (Titus Chalk)
- Book: The Manager’s Path (Camille Fournier)
- The Imbalance of Culture Fit (Matt Griffin, ALA)
- Mental Illness in the Web Industry (Brandon Gregory, ALA)
- Video: How to Keep Your Systems Running Day After Day (John Allspaw, Devops Ent. Summit)
- Video: Explaining Kanban Using Kanban (Eric Brechner, Talks@Google)
Jul 2017-Feb 2018
- The Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals
- Want readers to start trusting you again? Stop stalking them across the internet
- Improving Our Engineering Interview Process
- Backyard Pond
- Advanced query optimization techniques on large queries
- Top 20+ MySQL Best Practices
- Hacking, Refactoring, Rewriting, and Technical Debt
- You are the product
- I significantly underestimated the power of Jeff Bezos
- Join our startup, we’ll cut your pay by 40%!
- Sleeping barber problem – Wikipedia
- Face ID, Touch ID, No ID, PINs and Pragmatic Security
- Just 22, this digital news publisher is ready to go old-school with print
- Reddit’s campaign against hate speech worked
- Refresh Is Sacred
- Software is a Long Con
- On Improving Diversity in Hiring
- Why open source software isn’t as ethical as you think it is
- Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Give Real-time Analytics
- The Week My Husband Left And My House Was Burgled I Secured A Grant To Begin The Project That Became BRCA1
- The privilege of risk
- We fired our top talent. Best decision we ever made.
- The Web began dying in 2014, here’s how
- AMPersand
- When we only hire the best means we only hire the trendiest
- We’re making Slate’s advertising as smart as its content.
- Do Facebook and Google have control of their algorithms anymore? A sobering assessment and a warning
- May the next Etsy learn its lessons
- How to prepare for a one-on-one meeting as an employee
- The Mortality and Joy of Productivity
- Oh, shit, git!
- Net Promoter Score Considered Harmful
- How To Create A Useful Value Proposition w/ Examples
- “username or password incorrect” is bullshit
- The presence prison
- Why Good Managers Are So Rare
- So Now You’re A Manager
- How good code dies
- How to crush remote team retreats
- DOES17 (conf talk video) – How Your Systems Keep Running Day After Day
- Stimulus 1.0: A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have
- Better Onboarding, Better Retention, Happier Humans
- Is PHP relevant?
- Everything Easy is Hard Again
- Why supporters pay for journalism (hint: it’s not about exclusive access)
- A beginning consultant brings skills, an experienced consultant brings value
- Be a Pal, My Dudes
- Who I want to work for
Mar-Aug 2017
- Product Roadmap Prioritization: Weighted or Kano?
- 20 Product Prioritization Techniques
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens) is a Bad Standard
- Index cards are pretty cool
- Why Employees At Apple And Google Are More Productive
- Anthony Bourdain Does Not Want to Owe Anybody Even a Single Dollar
- Front-end Developer Handbook 2017
- 6 Rules To Live By When You Work In An Office But Have Remote Team Members
- Fog Creek Professional Ladder
- What is the best way to evaluate a software engineer?
- JSON Feed
- Why I Never Let Employees Negotiate a Raise
- Fog Creek Compensation
- What Really Happened with Vista
- Short Story – Superiority – by Arthur C. Clarke
- The Myth of Developer Productivity
- The Old Guard
- Cannot Measure Productivity
- Hitting the High Notes
- What if companies interviewed translators the way they interview coders?
- The Unacceptable Persistence of the Digital Divide
- Let’s Talk About Your Plan to Run A Consequence-Free Company
- How Fucked Up is Your Management?
- How to Recruit
- How we pay people at Basecamp
- Basecamp: Our Rituals
- GitHub: Balanced Employee IP Agreement
- So, about this Googler’s manifesto
- So you’re surrounded by idiots. Guess who the real jerk is
- Apache vs Nginx: Practical Considerations
Jan / Feb 2017
- Bring in the Goddamn Adults Already
- The Reality of Developer Burnout
- Effective Product Roadmaps
- Abraham Lincoln’s “Blind Memorandum”
- What I Wish I’d Known About Equity Before Joining A Unicorn
- The Problem With AMP
- Hacking the Army
- Setting Expectations as a Manager
- How to Improve After a Sprint
- Let’s stop calling them ‘soft skills’
- These Are the Most Productive Countries in the World
- Does Unlimited Vacation Time Really Work?
Dec 2016
- A Favor for Your Future Self
- We Need to Talk About Technical Debt
- Accessibility Whack-A-Mole
- How to have an honest one-on-one with an employee
Nov 2016
- The Dirty Dozen Roadmap Roadblocks
- Pay the Price for Open Source
- Video: No one expects the woman code troll – Jenn Schiffer, Engineer/Artist at XOXO Festival
- Redesigning Waxy, 2016 edition
- Quit Social Media. Your Career May Depend on It
- Social Media Is Killing Discourse Because It’s Too Much Like TV
- A look at the impact of inclusive design
Oct 2016
- Contempt Culture
- Field experiment on posting rules in discussions
- Task Performance Indicator: A Management Metric for Customer Experience
- The inaccessible web: how we got into this mess
- Taking PHP seriously
- And it’s gone —The true cost of interruptions
- Your Team In Four Dimensions
- Agile Manifesto
- Writing good code: how to reduce the cognitive load of your code
- Be Careful What You Code For
- My condolences, you’re now the maintainer of a popular open source project
- The way we evaluate developer performance is broken
- Product strategy means saying no
Books I read before I started this list that were particularly formative and that I recommend to any web developer (or manager of them). I’ve resisted linking them to Amazon in the naive hope you might buy them elsewhere.
- Being Geek (Lopp)
- Managing Humans (Lopp)
- Rework (DHH & Fried)
- Remote (DHH & Fried)
- Getting Real (DHH & Fried)
- Designing with Web Standards (Zeldman)
- Don’t Make Me Think (Krugman)
- The Design of Everyday Things (Norman)
- A Book Apart series (several)
- Buzzing Communities (Millington)
- The Indispensable Community (Millington)